Monday, 21 July 2014

Doctors, Please Stop Corridor Consultations and free Services

Dr Mbu writes from Calabar :

Pls stop Corridor Consultation and free services, that how we lose our respect and prestige. 

They said doctors make up only about 10% of hospital workers and as such are a minority in the hospital setting.

Their major man in the house of reps said doctors do nothing and feed fat from the brains of others. That lab scientist make diagnosis for doctors,pharmacists give the patients drugs while nurses care for the patient. His ignorance did not tell him that when a doctor does not see a patient, no test is requested,no prescription is given and no treatment plan is drawn up. In other climes, apart from multivitamins and a few low potency painkillers,you can't buy drugs without a doctors prescription. 
The hospital is primarily about a doctor and his patient. Any other person is a support staff and this does not in anyway make them less important as medical practice is a team work with the doctor as a team leader, a major player and the one held responsible should anything go wrong. 

This is a bitter truth we must all accept. 
No doctor ever claims to be a lab scientist,pharmacist,physiotherapist or nurse yet these groups dubiously claim to be doctors(majority claiming minority). Even orthopaedic technicians and porters claim to be doctors.

When every one is sick,they look for a doctor yet they still say the doctor is proud, arrogant, a usurper and all manner of venom is pour on the poor doctor.
Now that doctors are on strike the hospitals are empty, the majority workforce cannot admit patients,do surgeries etc. Who is fooling who?

Now a lesson to us doctors: since we are too greedy, selfish, hardhearted,callous, and full of ourselves we can never please everyone and we should never try to. Henceforth,no more corridor consultations. Let anyone seeking your medical expertise in anyway pay handsomely for it. Please colleagues don't do anything free for anyone again. You acquired medical knowledge at a great cost so don't dispense that knowledge for free anymore. Our kind and humane disposition has resulted in this rubbing of mud on our faces. Doctors wise up,no one loves you except God.