Sunday, 13 July 2014

I DO GIVE A DAMN.....Dr Muhammad Usman Suleiman

That I have left my patients in less competent situations and that private hospitals now are the final abode for my patients... that I do give a damn....

That patients are dying unattended to and that my conscience reminds me of this fact every second of everyday... that .. I do give a damn...

That DOCTORS are being compared to boko haram, that the health minister is lying and mis-informing the entire country on the impass between NARD/NMA, that the media machinery of the country is being used to demonise the DOCTOR, that joe-hates-you and its sympathisers are at the war frint fighting with illogical and immoral weapons of mass destruction against the DOCTOR.... THAT I DON'T GIVE A DAMN....

That I have spent 12 days and counting at home on strike, that I have done my bit to ensure that we are on strike, that I have resisted all constituted authority from intimidating DOCTORS to come back to work, that no one (including our patients) cares for the welfare, role or survival of the DOCTORS in the health team..... THAT I DONT GIVE A DAMN...

What I do give a damn about is the survival of the medical profession for us today and for the future generations to come. The position and role of the DOCTOR is non negotiable..... So.. I say to all who think me to be lucifer of the health sector to continue lashing on, bite harder at us DOCTORS, release the most nuclear of your WMDs and my answer is I DONT GIVE A DAMN... To the govt, continue to lie to everyone and I hope you are victorious so Nigerians can test and attest to the results of being sick, diagnosed by the lab scientist and treated by the nurses and pharmacist.... wait a minute, I just realise the depth, reach and value of my knowledge as a DOCTOR....... call it ego or arrogance, it doesn't remove the knowledge from my head

That if at the end of the day my value is devalued, and my role is roled out, my responsibility is irresponsibly degraded and my knowledge is considered unknowledgeable either by my patients, paramedics, govt or the whole country...... Know that I DON'T GIVE A DAMN... See you all then in my public private settings......