I remember in 2005 when I applied for an admission to study Medicine and was offered Biochemistry. I rejected it and applied again, this time I was given Chemistry, the “Bio” was removed, lolz. I was again offered Physiology/Pharmacology in almighty Unijos (great is the name), I reluctantly accepted it this time but told myself I’ll go back for medicine after graduation. Two years into this five years course, I fell in love with it. The difference is not much as it is a combination of medicine and pharmacy. The same lecturers for medical and pharmaceutical students gave me lectures, including practical. After graduation we were inducted (oat taking), sent on internship – just like medical doctors.
Note: we used same lecturers, lecture halls, same textbooks (Gython and Hall, Tripati, Ganon, Rang and Dale etc.), same laboratories etc. with medical students because we were doing almost same course. The fact is that we are health practitioners; the truth is that we are NOT medical doctors as there is nothing like “almost a medical doctor” you are either a medical doctor or u are not! After graduation, some of my class mates who suffered the same fate as me went back for medicine but I didn’t see any reason anymore to do so. They went back bcos they knew they are not medical doctors despite…….
I did a double honor course n I am happy today that even if I’m offered an admission with a salary to go and study medicine today, I will not go. It’s only “no do wells” that envy other people's profession.
I also remember few years ago when there was this “madness” for everyone to study nursing. Men and women went into the nursing profession because there was a high demand and pay for them in the U.S, Australia, and U.K etc. nobody talked about the doctors cos nurses were “popular demand”. My question is, can any JOHESU show me any of these nurses over there that is or was made CMD? There will always be an order of precedence. This is arrant nonsense, madness! No matter how a recruit thinks he knows how to write statement or handle cases more than a DPO, he can never head a division. JOHESU should stop this fight of jealousy, envy and professional encroachment! It doesn’t make sense to me or to any reasonable and just person.
What i see in the health profession now is what I call; Political Professionalism; office encroachment; Misplacement of Passion and Abuse of Precedence. People should learn to tell each other the truth. JOHESU needs to be told the truth. The leaderships are using your finances to better their lives and tell you they are fighting your course, which course? License you as doctors? That’s only when you can head a hospital. That’s just a misleading fact, the truth is that it’s not late for you to go back to school and become a doctor.
How on earth do people think, with their anus? How can a certified medical doctor take directives/instructions from a nurse, pharmacist, herbalist, mechanic, etc. all in the name of JOHESU? What would you do in that post? This is simply envy and jealousy but out of place cos I remember, in my 200level we were almost 90 in number but in 300level we were a little more than 70. In graduation, less than 50 made it. Many voluntarily withdrew cos to them the work load was too much for just one certificate, others were asked to withdraw cos they seem not to belong there with what they were putting in.
By tomorrow, even babalawos and witch doctor, people u studied physical n health in education will want head hospitals; after all they’re even doctors by profession, lolz. The gap is so much that doctors can do without JOHESU but I bet you, you can’t do medicals without doctors, let’s be frank. Isn’t it obvious that while doctors are on strike people lament and beg doctors to come back, are you not there JOHESU? I think that tells you where you belong. If JOHESU is as good as NMA why will patients cry the absence of doctors from hospitals?
Today people are dying in the hospitals just because one man has refused to stay in his place. I know JOHESU thinks they “know the job better than doctors” that’s a fact. The truth is, no matter how big a butterfly grows, it can never be a bird “let every man stay in the profession wherein he is called and be the best there, to avoid noise making” why won’t nurses make auxiliary or nurses from nursing schools Chief Matrons? After all they are more practical than the B.Sc nurses!
Let’s respect each other’s office. We need each other but the order of precedence must be observed and respected. If u still think what a doctor can do, JOHESU can do better, I tell you, you are only being sentimental not rational.
And if you still want to head a hospital, that won’t be a problem but pls, go back to school. But if you think that’s too much at this stage, pls go and hug a transformer. #sosayslolo#
I remember in 2005 when I applied for an admission to study Medicine and was offered Biochemistry. I rejected it and applied again, this time I was given Chemistry, the “Bio” was removed, lolz. I was again offered Physiology/Pharmacology in almighty Unijos (great is the name), I reluctantly accepted it this time but told myself I’ll go back for medicine after graduation. Two years into this five years course, I fell in love with it. The difference is not much as it is a combination of medicine and pharmacy. The same lecturers for medical and pharmaceutical students gave me lectures, including practical. After graduation we were inducted (oat taking), sent on internship – just like medical doctors.
Note: we used same lecturers, lecture halls, same textbooks (Gython and Hall, Tripati, Ganon, Rang and Dale etc.), same laboratories etc. with medical students because we were doing almost same course. The fact is that we are health practitioners; the truth is that we are NOT medical doctors as there is nothing like “almost a medical doctor” you are either a medical doctor or u are not! After graduation, some of my class mates who suffered the same fate as me went back for medicine but I didn’t see any reason anymore to do so. They went back bcos they knew they are not medical doctors despite…….
I did a double honor course n I am happy today that even if I’m offered an admission with a salary to go and study medicine today, I will not go. It’s only “no do wells” that envy other people's profession.
I also remember few years ago when there was this “madness” for everyone to study nursing. Men and women went into the nursing profession because there was a high demand and pay for them in the U.S, Australia, and U.K etc. nobody talked about the doctors cos nurses were “popular demand”. My question is, can any JOHESU show me any of these nurses over there that is or was made CMD? There will always be an order of precedence. This is arrant nonsense, madness! No matter how a recruit thinks he knows how to write statement or handle cases more than a DPO, he can never head a division. JOHESU should stop this fight of jealousy, envy and professional encroachment! It doesn’t make sense to me or to any reasonable and just person.
What i see in the health profession now is what I call; Political Professionalism; office encroachment; Misplacement of Passion and Abuse of Precedence. People should learn to tell each other the truth. JOHESU needs to be told the truth. The leaderships are using your finances to better their lives and tell you they are fighting your course, which course? License you as doctors? That’s only when you can head a hospital. That’s just a misleading fact, the truth is that it’s not late for you to go back to school and become a doctor.
How on earth do people think, with their anus? How can a certified medical doctor take directives/instructions from a nurse, pharmacist, herbalist, mechanic, etc. all in the name of JOHESU? What would you do in that post? This is simply envy and jealousy but out of place cos I remember, in my 200level we were almost 90 in number but in 300level we were a little more than 70. In graduation, less than 50 made it. Many voluntarily withdrew cos to them the work load was too much for just one certificate, others were asked to withdraw cos they seem not to belong there with what they were putting in.
By tomorrow, even babalawos and witch doctor, people u studied physical n health in education will want head hospitals; after all they’re even doctors by profession, lolz. The gap is so much that doctors can do without JOHESU but I bet you, you can’t do medicals without doctors, let’s be frank. Isn’t it obvious that while doctors are on strike people lament and beg doctors to come back, are you not there JOHESU? I think that tells you where you belong. If JOHESU is as good as NMA why will patients cry the absence of doctors from hospitals?
Today people are dying in the hospitals just because one man has refused to stay in his place. I know JOHESU thinks they “know the job better than doctors” that’s a fact. The truth is, no matter how big a butterfly grows, it can never be a bird “let every man stay in the profession wherein he is called and be the best there, to avoid noise making” why won’t nurses make auxiliary or nurses from nursing schools Chief Matrons? After all they are more practical than the B.Sc nurses!
Let’s respect each other’s office. We need each other but the order of precedence must be observed and respected. If u still think what a doctor can do, JOHESU can do better, I tell you, you are only being sentimental not rational.
And if you still want to head a hospital, that won’t be a problem but pls, go back to school. But if you think that’s too much at this stage, pls go and hug a transformer. #sosayslolo#